We've made two updates to Apptoto that make it simpler for you to search appointments by custom and standard fields.
Searching by Custom Fields:
Previously, if you wanted to search all of your appointments in Apptoto to see which contained a certain custom field, you needed to append "custom.event" before your search. For example, searching for an appointment that had a custom field of "clinic" set to the Pocatello location might look like this:
Now, you can simply search
, and Apptoto will return any results with the custom field and matching result.
Filtering by Most Popular Results
We've also upgraded the filtering functionality. Now, when you click Filter and select any field name, Apptoto will return the most popular results for that field.
In our example above, imagine you have four upcoming appointments at your Twin Falls location, and one at your Pocatello location. When you filter by "clinic," your results will look like this:
Filter Clinic Values
Video Overview
To see both these updates in action, check out the short video below: